I have decided to run the Eisenhower Marathon in Abilene, Kansas on April 12 of next year. I have run spring half-marathons before but this will be my first full marathon so early in the year.
This also means I will be training for a marathon during the winter for the first time and walking into uncharted terrority. Potentially harsh weather is the obvious concern, not so much because of the weather itself but because it may well force most of my workouts indoors.
The good news is I have a decent amount of cold weather running gear so with luck I'll be able to run outdoors more often than not. Cold temperatures are not fun to run in but I can manage...on the other hand, several inches of snow, or even worse, ice will most likely force me to hit the treadmill. Logging lots of miles indoors does not sound like my idea of fun but we'll just have to wait and see how the weeks and months unfold!
In addition to the Eisenhower Marathon I will also register for the Chocolate Rush Half-Marathon. It is scheduled for February 8 in Overland Park, Kansas. Much like the Eisenhower Marathon, this will be the earliest in the year I have ever run a half-marathon and I am frankly not looking forward to it. The timing of the race is perfect for me to use it as a tune-up race to determine my overall progress so it will be worth sucking it up and running in the cold.
As is often the case, both the Eisenhower Marathon and Chocolate Rush Half-Marathon offer events for the shorter distances. If anyone wishes to join me for either of the events I encourage you to do so!