Wednesday, November 27, 2013

2014 Races

Well, as I mentioned in one of my recent posts I have decided to jump in to another marathon training program.

I have decided to run the Eisenhower Marathon in Abilene, Kansas on April 12 of next year.  I have run spring half-marathons before but this will be my first full marathon so early in the year.

This also means I will be training for a marathon during the winter for the first time and walking into uncharted terrority.  Potentially harsh weather is the obvious concern, not so much because of the weather itself but because it may well force most of my workouts indoors.

The good news is I have a decent amount of cold weather running gear so with luck I'll be able to run outdoors more often than not.  Cold temperatures are not fun to run in but I can manage...on the other hand, several inches of snow, or even worse, ice will most likely force me to hit the treadmill.  Logging lots of miles indoors does not sound like my idea of fun but we'll just have to wait and see how the weeks and months unfold!

In addition to the Eisenhower Marathon I will also register for the Chocolate Rush Half-Marathon.  It is scheduled for February 8 in Overland Park, Kansas.  Much like the Eisenhower Marathon, this will be the earliest in the year I have ever run a half-marathon and I am frankly not looking forward to it.  The timing of the race is perfect for me to use it as a tune-up race to determine my overall progress so it will be worth sucking it up and running in the cold.

As is often the case, both the Eisenhower Marathon and Chocolate Rush Half-Marathon offer events for the shorter distances.  If anyone wishes to join me for either of the events I encourage you to do so!

Stop at Never - Motivational Video

Hi everyone...

I just happened across this's short and sweet but sums up well what often goes through a runner's head:

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Interesting Article

Hello everyone...

One of our running club members forwarded a very insightful article about the impact of wind on running performance.  I was familiar with some of the basics, such as the impact of a headwind, but the article does a great job explaining findings of other factors such as tailwinds and even drafting behind other runners.

Here is the link to the article:

How Much Does Running in Windy Conditions Affect Running Performance?

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Workout of the Week

Warm-up:  5 minutes brisk walk or jog

Main Set:
  • Four to six rounds of the following:
    • 3:30 / Intensity Level 8
    • 1:30 / Recover
Cool Down:  5 minute walk

As always, remember intensity is all relative.  Do not force yourself to run outside of your current ability.  Keep in mind intensity can change within a single workout, as well, as you become tired.  So you may be able to run at 6.5mph for the first 3:30 interval but at only 5.5mph for your final interval, both of which may feel like a Level 8 out of 10.

The 1:30 recovery can also be an easy jog or simply a walk, depending on one's ability.

Finally, the choice of four to six rounds is also based on your ability.  If you can barely finish four rounds, make the smart decision and call it a day.  If you're still feeling strong after four intervals, go after some more!


Prairie Fire Marathon Race Report

Hello everyone...

I unplugged from running for a few weeks after my marathon on October 13.  This gave me ample time to not only physically recover from the race (more on that in the following paragraphs) but to reflect on the race itself.

With that said, here it is, my race report for the Prairie Fire Marathon:

The Good

The good news is I set a new PR, 3:05:50!  This is an improvement of a little over eight minutes from my previous PR, which I also set at the Prairie Fire Marathon in 2011.  Pound-for-pound this was arguably my best marathon, even though I did miss both of my time goals.  I'll get to that in the next section, though.

My pre-race nutrition worked out great; I stuck with my plan of two meals before race start.  I woke up four hours before race start for my first meal, a bowl of rice and some water.  I then went back to bed for about an hour, then had my second meal of a custom shake of Muscle Milk Collegiate and CytoCarb II and a banana.

I was also surprised about my nutrition needs during the race.  I originally planned to run with my own water bottle for the first six miles or so, but ended up holding onto it until about the half-marathon mark.  I had my preferred sports drink in it so it wasn't a big deal to keep it with me other than the effort to simply hold the bottle for so long.

I used only two gels, too, which is the least amount I've ever used.  I also never drank Gatorade while on the course, using only water after I ditched my bottle.  This was fine by me, as I've found most cups of sports drink served during a race are not mixed well, being far too concentrated and sweet.

I credit the "train low, race high" approach I've mentioned previously to such a successful nutrition strategy.  I feel my body was capable to properly utilize fat during the latter stages of the race, just as planned.  I never faded due to nutrition and felt physically strong the entire race.  I still slowed toward the end, but only by a small margin.  In fact, the second half of the race was only about a minute slower than the first.

Much like nutrition, my pacing strategy was also where it needed to be when looking at the big picture.  I started my first few miles intelligently and I think that, coupled with my good nutrition, allowed me to have a good race from start to finish.

Other, smaller factors likely contributed to my performance.  The hotel at which I stayed was literally right next to the start/finish area, allowing me to sleep just a little bit more and not have to worry about driving to and parking at the race.

My race attire was also comfortable the entire race, which doesn't always happen.

In the end I was very pleased with my performance...although I missed my time goal I can tell I'm headed in the right direction!

The Bad

The obvious "bad" thing that happened is that I missed my time goals.  My primary goal was to finish under three hours.  A backup goal was to qualify for the Boston Marathon, which I missed by only 50 seconds!

While knocking over five minutes off my time was arguably a tall order, I can say with relative certainty I should have gotten my BQ time.  Although my first few miles were paced intelligently, I was perhaps a bit too conservative around miles four through six.  Looking at my pace throughout the race I can see where I should have pushed the pace a bit harder, including around the first 10K of the race and around mile 16.

But as I said above, this was my most solid marathon effort so far, so overall I can't complain!

Other than my finish times the only other thing worth noting is it took longer than usual for me to recover.  I'm usually back to normal within a handful of days after a marathon and no longer than a week.  It took a good two weeks before I really felt the urge to get back out and run again.

I suppose part of this could be attributed to the intensity and pace at which I ran, which was the fastest I've ever ran a marathon.  Perhaps age is starting to catch up with me, as well.  I am only in my early thirties but I can tell how more intense training and racing is beginning to take its toll.

One thing I should do is to dial in my daily nutrition better.  Overall my diet is sound but I've been a bit more lax on occasion than I would prefer.  I may need to revisit The Paleo Diet for Athletes, which served me very well for my Ironman a few years ago.

The Ugly

There is only one crazy thing to report here:  I contracted a small infection on one of my feet!  I'm not exactly sure what caused it and I'm not sure if it happened during the race itself.

I could tell I was starting to get a small blister on the bottom of my left foot during the final couple miles of the race, but it was barely noticeable and not painful at all.  I looked at my foot after the race and could tell a blister was starting to form but the skin was still intact.

A couple days later, however, the bottom of my foot was a bit red and swollen, so I went to the doctor.  A quick prescription of antibiotics knocked it out after just a couple days but that was the first, and hopefully last, time I can say I ever picked up an infection while racing!

So What's Next?

First things first, I owe my wife a big, heartfelt THANK YOU for letting me continue to race, particularly races such as marathons that take up so much time in the training process.  It means a lot that she lets me do what I enjoy, particularly now that we have a family.  She never complains about my training, which means more to me than she probably knows.  I love you!

As for what's next, given I was so close to my time goals I've decided to hop right in and start training for a spring 2014 marathon.  I haven't decided which race I want to run but will do so shortly.

So with that in mind, be on the lookout for some more training updates in the near future!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

KCPD PAL Halloween Fun Run

The KCPD's Police Athletic League (PAL) is hosting a Halloween Fun Run on Tuesday, October 29 at 6pm at the PAL Center (1801 White Avenue).

This should be a family-friendly event, allowing children that participate to run on the outdoor track at the PAL Center. Games and Halloween treats inside the PAL Center await after the Fun Run.

PAL has reached out to our running group to show up and support the kids. It would be a great way for our group to interact with kids doing something we already enjoy. Reply here on the blog or send me a message if you're interested in lending a hand.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Group Run Scheduled - October 20

Hello everyone...

It's time for another northland run and I have a new location for us to try.  I've recently added the loop around Metro North Mall (400 NW Barry Road) to my runs and quickly learned it's a nice place to add some miles with minimal traffic.

Let's get together on Sunday, October 20 at 8:00am.  We can meet on the south side of Macy's, which faces Barry Road.  Here is a map showing where to park:

The loop around the mall is roughly 1.5 miles, making it easy to keep a run as short or as long as you like.  I primarily run on the street surrounding the mall but it's also possible to run the majority of the distance within the parking lots, all but eliminating traffic.

See you there!

Marathon Training - Weeks 15 & 16 Recap

Here ya go...

Week 15 Recap

Total Mileage:  29.7 miles

  • Two bicycle trainer sessions
  • Two-mile tempo run
    • 6:21/mile average pace
  • 21.5-mile endurance run
    • 7:48/mile average pace
  • 6.2-mile/10K tune-up race
    • 41:04 finish time; 6:37/mile average pace
I felt good overall about Week 15, although I would have liked a bit more volume.  I had both a long endurance run and a 10K race lined up, however, so in the end things worked out well.  I was very happy with how I felt during the 21.5-mile run even though I had to cut it a half-mile short due to time.

One thing I am confident made that run so successful was a bit of a nutrition experiment I tried.  I often take a caffeine-based sports supplement before some of my runs, but this time I waited until about 2/3 through this run before taking some caffeine in the form of one of the small shots that are so popular nowadays, such as 5 Hour Energy.

I felt very strong during the final several miles of my run, particularly when it came to mental focus.  This was quite a relief, as you might guess, particularly since the final stretch of my previous 20-mile run was not exactly pleasant.

I'll experiment with another energy shot one more time prior to race day.  Assuming I still have no stomach/digestion issues it may be worth doing come race day, too.

As for the 10K, I was pleased because I not only set a new personal record but I also won the 10K itself!  It's the first time I've ever had a podium finish, let alone won a race, so I was very excited. I'll be the first to admit there are definitely better 10K runners out there but I nevertheless had a good day. Just as important, it was a great confidence boost to gauge my overall fitness, including for my marathon.

I ran the Jeff Taylor Run for SAFE, which was my first time at the event.  The course is very flat and fast, plus it's for a great cause, as I mentioned in my earlier blog post.  I can say for sure I'll be back as years go by.

Week 16 Recap

Total Mileage:  34 miles

  • Bicycle trainer session
  • Four miles of intervals
    • 2 x 2-miles (6:31/mile average pace)
  • Six-mile race pace run
    • 6:56/mile average pace
  • Six-mile maintenance run
    • 7:30/mile average pace
  • Eighteen-mile endurance run
    • 7:41/mile average pace
I was not entirely happy with Week 16, mainly the speed sessions.  The race pace run in particular was disappointing.  Not only was I seven seconds slow per mile, but I was supposed to run 10 miles as opposed to six.  I have no one to blame but myself, though, as the combination of running in warm, windy weather too close to an appointment caused me to have both a physically demanding and shortened run.  In some ways I was pleased with my mental toughness to try and push through the steady wind, but my pace just didn't get to where I needed it to be.

I also had to chop my long endurance run short by a couple miles.  I wanted at least 20 miles, if not 22.  The good news is I was very pleased with my overall pace.  I felt strong the whole way and could have continued running while increasing speed.  Race day is just a couple weeks away, though, so the few miles I didn't run won't necessarily make or break me at this point.  Getting another 20+ miles in a single run would have been more of a confidence-builder at this point.

And speaking of race day, the bulk of my training is already over!  Week 17 still has a couple challenging runs lined up, namely the usual interval and race pace sessions.  After that it's time to start tapering!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Workout of the Week

Here's our latest workout of the week:

Warm-up:  5 minutes brisk walking or easy jogging

Main Set:
  • 5 minutes jogging / Level 5 Intensity
  • 3 rounds of the following:
    • 2 minutes / Level 7 Intensity
    • 1 minute easy jog for recovery
    • 1 minute / Level 8 Intensity
    • 30 seconds easy jog for recovery
    • 30 seconds / Level 8 - 9 Intensity

Cooldown:  5 minutes walking

As always, be realistic about your speed and intensity.  Don't overreach and extend yourself beyond your current ability.  And remember intensity is all relative, even within an individual workout.  The Level 7 Intensity of Round 1 for the 2 minute interval may feel easier than the Level 7 Intensity of Round 3.

In the end, BE SMART!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Group Run Scheduled - September 29

Back to the ol' Downtown Airport on Sunday, September 29...let's meet up at 8am.

Here is the original post about our runs for the Downtown Airport.

I also plan on attending this run...I have to admit I haven't been participating in our group runs as often as I would like but I plan on reversing that trend.

Jeff Taylor Run for SAFE 5K/10K

Hello everyone...

This is a quick, informal invitation to see if any of our group members are interested in participating in the upcoming Jeff Taylor Run for SAFE on September 22.

There is a 5K, 10K, and team option, not to mention the run itself is for an admirable cause.  The registration cost is also modest, which always helps.  In fact, there is a $3 discount for groups of four or more that use the team option.

I'll be running the 10K...I hope to see some of you there!

Marathon Training - Weeks 12 - 14 Recap

No use wasting time...I'll just get down to the recaps:

Week 12 Recap

Total Mileage:  31 miles

  • Bicycle trainer session
  • Interval run
    • 2 x 3 miles (6:31/mile average pace)
  • Nine-mile race-pace run
    • 6:48/mile average pace
  • Eight-mile maintenance run
    • 7:56/mile average pace
  • Brick workout
    • Five-mile run (7:27/mile average pace)
    • Bicycle trainer session

Week 13 Recap

Total Mileage: 47 miles

  • Five-mile maintenance run
    • 8:24/mile average pace
  • Interval run
    • 2 x 3 miles (6:31/mile average pace)
  • Nine-mile race-pace run
    • 6:46/mile average pace
  • Bicycle trainer session
  • Six-mile maintenance run
    • 8:29/mile average pace
  • Endurance runs
    • AM:  Twenty-miles (7:58/mile average pace)
    • PM:  Two-miles (9:30/mile average pace)
Overall I was pleased with Week 13.  It was one of my highest-mileage weeks yet but I appeared to prepare for and absorb the training well.  The twenty-mile run was a bit more difficult than I anticipated, particularly at the end.  I think a combination of tweaking my nutrition strategy and increasing temperatures near the end of my run started to take their toll.

The two-mile run later in the evening was rough at first, but I kept the pace nice and easy, allowing my legs to loosen up a bit.  Such runs are designed to help aid recovery and I feel it worked well overall.

Week 14 Recap

Total Mileage:  19 miles

  • Nine-mile race-pace run
    • 6:49/mile average pace
  • Ten-mile endurance run
    • 7:32/mile average pace
As well as Week 13 went, I was a bit disappointed with Week 14, mainly when it comes to volume of training.  Although I bounced back quickly after the 22 miles on Sunday, I decided to take Monday off for some extra recovery.  I arguably should have run, but I didn't want to risk running on less-than-fresh legs and get injured in the process.  It's too late in the game to take unnecessary risks, after all.

Then life got in the way, as it often does.  I ended up taking a couple unexpected days off elsewhere during the week due to some work and family obligations, so I ended up running only twice.

Thankfully, the runs themselves were very good, in particular the race-pace run.  It was outdoors with a little bit of wind at times so it was a solid effort.

There is also a bit of a silver lining...given Week 13's high volume it was time to have another deload week, which I intended to use during Week 14.  I just didn't intend to deload as much as I did, but we'll see how things progress in Week 15.  I have a twenty-two-mile run lined up, as well as a 10K tune-up race.

My training should start to taper in a couple weeks so it's time to continue to maintain focus and push hard!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Marathon Training - Weeks 10 & 11 Recap

If it's not one thing, it's another...a recent move caused major delays in my updates on our blog, both for my training recaps as well as more important posts for group runs and that sort of thing.

Week 10 Recap

Total Mileage:  6 miles (yep, only six miles!)

  • Easy bicycle trainer session
  • Easy six-mile run
    • 7:58/mile average pace
Had to take it very easy during Week 10 since I was nursing that borderline injury with my left leg.  I ended up taking off four days straight, which was a test in and of itself as lame as that sounds.  I'm glad I rested so much, however, because Week 11 was a great turnaround.

Week 11 Recap

Total Mileage:  36 miles

  • Two bicycle trainer workouts
    • Including an aptly-named workout from the Sufferfest series called "A Very Dark Place"
  • Interval run
    • 2 x 2 miles (6:31/mile average pace)
    • 1 x 1 mile (6:18/mile average pace)
  • Nine-mile race pace run
    • 1 x 5 miles (6:50/mile average pace)
    • 1 x 4 miles (6:41/mile average pace)
  • Six-mile maintenance run
    • 8:16/mile average pace
  • Sixteen-mile endurance run
    • 7:48/mile average pace
I was very pleased with how I bounced back in Week 11, although a healthy dose of rest tends to yield favorable results.  I made an all-too-common mistake by running outdoors too late in the day for my race pace run, barely making it a few miles out before cluing into the fact it was far too hot and humid to run outdoors.

So I had to bag a few miles initially, but I quickly drove to a nearby gym where I hopped on the treadmill and pushed it for a faster-than-race-pace finish.

My sixteen-mile run was decent, but the weather really started to heat up for the last handful of miles.  Still doable and my nutrition lasted for the duration of the run, but only barely.

Time to start getting psyched...I have a twenty-miler coming up next week.  Now my training program is really starting to pour it on...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Workout of the Week

Here ya go...

Warm-up: 5 minute brisk walk or light jog

Main set:
  • 4 minutes / Intensity level 5
  • 4 minutes / Intensity level 7
  • 4 minutes / Intensity level 5
  • 4 minutes / Intensity level 7
  • 4 minutes / Intensity level 5
Cool-down: 5 minute easy walk

Total: 30 minutes

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Marathon Training - Weeks 8 & 9 Recap

Late again...been a rough couple weeks of training:

Week 8 Recap

Total Mileage: 21 miles

  • Interval run
    • 4 x 1 mile (6:17/mile average pace)
  • Seven-mile race pace run
    • 6:46/mile average pace
  • Ten-mile endurance run
    • AM run: 6 miles (7:57/mile average pace)
    • PM run: 4 miles (8:07/mile average pace)

Not a good amount of workouts for Week 8...I was pleased with my speed workouts but I definitely need to add more volume.

Week 9 Recap

Total Mileage: 23 miles

  • Two indoor cycling sessions
  • Interval run
    • 3 x 1 mile (6:17/mile, 6:15/mile, 6:10/mile)
  • Eight-mile race pace run
    • 6:56/mile average pace
  • Fifteen-mile endurance run
    • 7:45/mile average pace

Week 9 was full of highs and lows. Still need to add more volume overall. I was very pleased with my interval run and my race pace run despite being seven seconds slow per mile. Despite being a bit slow I had a great negative split for the run. In fact, I think I missed my target pace only because I started a bit too slow for the first couple miles.

This is good practice for race day but it left me too few miles to compensate for the slow start, forcing me to run even faster than I normally would to make up for lost time. Overall it was a solid effort that re-affirmed the power of smart pacing.

Unfortunately, the issue with my left leg mentioned weeks ago has crept up on me again. It interfered only a bit with my race pace run but was very noticeable during this week's endurance run. I'm pleased overall with the 7:45/mile pace I was able to hold, but I know I could have comfortably ran faster if my leg wasn't bothering me.

Looks like I'll really have to take it easy in Week 10, so now it's time to do the hard part and just rest...too bad resting often takes more discipline than running!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Group Run Scheduled - August 18

Hello everyone...

Time for a run back in the southern part of the city.  Let's meet at Loose Park (W. 51st Street & Wornall Road) at 8am on Sunday, August 18.  The KCParks website says the path surrounding the perimeter of the park is 1.48 miles, so plan your run accordingly.

We can park in a decent-sized lot located near the northwest corner of the park, right where W. 51st Street cuts south.  Here is a map of the lot, too:

This should be a great new location for one of our runs...hope to see you all there!

Workout of the Week

We'll keep it simple this week...finish a 5K (3.1 miles). If you can run the full distance straight through, great. If you need to take walk breaks, that's fine, too.

In fact, Jeff Galloway, a famed American runner and Olympian, is a strong advocate of taking frequent walk breaks, even for advanced runners.

As with my post a while back about intensity, USE YOUR HEAD! If a 5K is a long distance for you at this point, use common sense and break it up into manageable portions.

The 5K is a standard distance so be sure to record your time and track progress as time passes.

Marathon Training - Weeks 6 & 7 Recap

I can't seem to keep my recaps frills this week:

Week 6 Recap

Total Mileage:  28 miles

  • Interval run
    • 4 x 1 mile (6:17/mile average pace)
  • Seven-mile race pace run
    • 6:48/mile average pace
  • Five-mile maintenance run
    • 7:52/mile average pace
  • Twelve-mile endurance run
    • 7:55/mile average pace

Week 7 Recap

Total Mileage:  30 miles

  • Interval run
    • 3 x 1 mile (6:17/mile average pace)
  • Seven-mile race pace run
    • AM run:  3 miles (6:48, 6:35, 6:23/mile pace)
    • PM run:  4 miles (6:40/mile average pace)
  • Six-mile maintenance run
    • 7:58/mile pace
  • Fourteen-mile endurance run
    • 7:37/mile pace

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Workout of the Week

Warm-up:  5 minute brisk walk or jog

Main set:

1 minute / 6% incline / intensity level 7
2 minutes / 4% incline / intensity level 4
1 minute / 6% incline / intensity level 7
2 minutes / 4% incline / intensity level 4
1 minute / 6% incline / intensity level 7
2 minutes / 4% incline / intensity level 4
1 minute / no incline / intensity level 2-3

Stop running and do the following based on your ability:
  • 10 - 30 squats
  • 10 - 30 push-ups
Do the following after the squats and push-ups:

1 minute / 6% incline / intensity level 7
2 minutes / 4% incline / intensity level 4
1 minute / 6% incline / intensity level 7
2 minutes / 4% incline / intensity level 4
1 minute / 6% incline / intensity level 7
2 minutes / 4% incline / intensity level 4
1 minute / no incline / intensity level 2-3

Cool down:  5 minute easy walk

Friday, July 19, 2013

Marathon Training - Week 5 Recap

I'll keep this recap short and sweet since it's so late...

I ended up taking an unintentional de-load week last week where I cut down the amount of runs more than usual.  Hindsight being 20/20 I'm glad this happened, as I have been meaning to experiment with occasional de-loads during a marathon training program.

A de-load week is essentially a scaled-down taper.  Tapering is very common for endurance events such as marathons and middle- to long-distance triathlons, occurring at the very end of one's training.

However, de-loading in the middle of a training program is more commonplace in the world of bodybuilding and weight lifting.  I have been meaning to apply it to a marathon plan so we'll see if this accidental de-load week helps or hinders me in the long term.

Enough rambling, though...on with the details of Week 5:

Total Mileage:  21 1/2 miles

  • Bicycle trainer workout
  • Interval run
    • 3 x 1 mile (6:17/mile average pace)
    • 1 x 1/2 mile (5:56/mile average pace)
  • Six-mile race pace run
    • 6:48/mile average pace
  • Twelve-mile endurance run
    • 7:49/mile average pace

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Workout of the Week

Hello is this week's workout:

Warm-up:  5 minute brisk walk

Main set:

30 seconds work / 30 seconds recovery
1 minute work / 1 minute recovery
2 minutes work / 2 minutes recovery
4 minutes work / 4 minutes recovery
2 minutes work / 2 minutes recovery
1 minute work / 1 minute recovery
30 seconds work / 30 seconds recovery

Cool down:  5 minute easy walk

Keep your intensity high, about an 8 or 9 on a scale of 10, for the "work" portions.  Slow down to an easy jog or even a walk for your recovery.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Marathon Training - Week 4 Recap

Another week of highs and lows.  I was a bit disappointed with my race pace run this week since I was behind pace by a couple seconds per mile.  That may not sound like much, but spread over the course of a marathon those seconds add up quickly.

I am learning I need to focus on better nutrition before my race pace runs, particularly when it comes to how much I am eating prior to these hard workouts.  I don't run on an empty tank but I can tell I don't quite have enough to keep me going at the pace and distance required, so I need to adjust my food intake accordingly.

Thankfully, my long endurance run went very well this week.  I used a hilly route and was able to finish within my required pace range, not to mention a solid final mile at close to race pace.

So overall not a bad week...just not quite where I wanted it to be.

Total Mileage:  30 miles

  • Five-mile recovery run
    • 8:48/mile average pace
  • Interval run
    • 2 x 1 mile (6:17/mile average pace)
    • 2 x 1/2 mile (5:56/mile - 6:00/mile average pace)
  • Six-mile race pace run
    • 6:51/mile average pace
  • Six-mile maintenance run
    • 7:44/mile average pace
  • Ten-mile endurance run
    • 7:34/mile average pace

Friday, July 5, 2013

Group Run Scheduled - July 13

Let's meet at the downtown airport at 8am on Saturday, July 13 for our next run.  As a reminder, the loop around the airport is approximately 3.6 miles.

Here is the info from the first blog post about running at the downtown airport, if needed.

See you all there!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Workout of the Week

Time for another Workout of the Week...

Warm-up:  Five-minute brisk walk or jog.

Main set:  Eleven-minute run at a moderate pace, followed up with a nine-minute run covering the exact same distance as the eleven-minute run.  If you run one mile in eleven minutes, you'll have to push and run that same mile in nine minutes to finish the main set.

Cool-down:  Five-minute walk.

This is a great workout to teach you to run intelligently and at different paces.  It is therefore important to monitor not only how far you run during the eleven-minute interval, but your intensity, as well.  Go out too hard too early and you may not have enough gas to finish the nine-minute portion.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Marathon Training - Week 3 Recap

Bit of an up-and-down week this week.  Had some stubborn muscle tenderness in my left leg persist for a handful of days (still lingering, actually).  Not enough to derail training, but noticeable, particularly after hard runs.

On that note, this week was my first week with a race pace tempo run.  I survived, but it was challenging.  My long run went very well, particularly since it was on a notably hilly route.  I ran with a friend of mine, which made it more tolerable, and dare I say enjoyable, than if I ran alone.

I also had another unscheduled rest day, but given the problem in my left leg the extra day off is probably a blessing in disguise.

Here are the details for Week 3:

Total Mileage:  24 miles

  • One bicycle trainer session
  • Three-mile interval run
    • 2 x 1 mile at 6:17/mile
    • 2 x 1/2 mile at 6:00/mile
  • Six-mile race pace tempo run
    • 6:48/mile average pace
  • Five-mile maintenance run
    • 7:52/mile average pace
  • Ten-mile endurance run
    • 7:47/mile average pace

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Rise and Shine - Motivational Video

Here's a great motivational video one of our group's runners sent me recently...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Marathon Training - Week 2 Recap

Nothing too exciting during Week 2, which is a good thing depending on how you look at it.

Using bicycle rides for active recovery as opposed to running "junk miles" feels good so I'm hoping that continues to pay dividends as my training progresses.  I had an unexpected rest day due to my family schedule so my overall mileage dipped a bit this week.

Overall things are going well, though, so it's just a matter of staying on course.

Total Mileage:  21 miles


  • One bicycle trainer workout
  • Three-mile interval run
  • Five-mile hybrid run
    • 2.25-mile Time Trial
    • 2.75-mile moderate pace
  • Five-mile maintenance run
  • Eight-mile long run

I'll add the average paces soon to keep it simple to track progress.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Workout of the Week

I was thinking a good addition to our blog would be to add a workout each week for any of you to try.  I will try to keep things varied to avoid boredom at all costs.  I'll also do my best to provide workouts that can be done easily both indoors or outdoors.

Here is a simple, yet effective, workout anyone can try.  In addition to the time spent on each interval, take note of the recommended intensity.  Intensity is based on a scale of zero to ten, with ten being an all-out sprint you can hold more no more than 30 seconds.  The cumulative time is listed in parentheses for each step; as you can see, you are working out for a total of only 30 minutes, including warm-up and cool-down.

Warm-up:  Five-minute brisk walk / Intensity 3 (5:00)

Seven Rounds of the Following Interval-Recovery Segment:

Interval:  One-minute run / Intensity 7
Recovery:  Two-minute jog / Intensity 4

(8:00, 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00, 23:00, 26:00)

Cool-down:  Four-minute walk / Intensity 2-3 (30:00)

Another word about intensity:  USE YOUR HEAD!

Don't force yourself to hold a certain pace if your body isn't up to it.  If running at 6mph for one interval feels like a level 7 but that same speed feels too hard on the next interval, adjust accordingly.  It's better to check your ego at the door than it is to run beyond your ability and injure yourself.

Let me know if any of you have any questions!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Marathon Training - Week 1 Recap

Well, I'm not quite to that point yet...

Week 1 of my formal training for the Prairie Fire Marathon is in the books.  It feels good to have a finite goal in mind after being rather aimless the last several months.

I plan on modifying a training plan I used in the past from the Hanson Brothers, a pair responsible for the Hanson-Brooks Distance Project.  Their plan is solid as-is (it helped me knock 21 minutes off my PR) but I plan on substituting some indoor cycling for a couple of the short run days.

This should help me get some low-impact active recovery while still reaping endurance benefits.  Previous plans, including the Hanson plan, sometimes leave me feeling a bit too worn-down.  Taking two cycling sessions a week will knock my running down to four days, leaving one day each week for nothing but rest or, at most, stretching and mobility work.

As for training itself, nothing too noteworthy this week:

Total Mileage:  29 miles

Average Pace (Endurance Sessions):  7:56/mile

Average Pace (Speed Session): ~6:07/mile (didn't record exact intervals)

I'll enjoy this training while I can...challenging race-pace runs and longer endurance sessions are just around the corner!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Prairie Fire Marathon Discounts

I forgot to mention a couple important pieces of info in my last post about the Prairie Fire Marathon.

If anyone is interested in participating in any of the events be sure to reach out to me directly for a discount code!

There are also two great hotels located mere yards away from the start and finish line.  Both offer discounted rates for runners, making them go-to choices for any of us that make the trip.

I'm here to help if anyone has any questions!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Now I'm Committed...

After weeks of putting it off I finally registered for the Prairie Fire Marathon scheduled in October.  Having run the event in 2011 I originally planned to run it last year but my work schedule derailed my training to the point where I could not perform at level I preferred.

I plan on using the blog to document my training as it progresses, culminating with a race report after the event.  I have found race reports can be very useful tools for not only the runner himself, but also others to get a glimpse of the "good, bad, and ugly" of a race.  If nothing else maybe you'll learn something from my experience so you don't have to learn the hard way!

I encourage any of you to participate in the event, as well.  A half-marathon, 5K, and one-mile Fun Run are available in addition to the full marathon.  Having training partners for the same event always adds a welcome layer of accountability, at least for me.  So if anyone wishes to join me for any of the events at the race I welcome the company!

The race is in Wichita, Kansas, making it a reasonable drive.  I'll also quickly add the courses are all rather flat, making for favorable running conditions.  The event is also well-organized despite being a more modest-sized race.

Click here to go to the race's official website.

Wish me luck!


Group Run Scheduled - June 23

Hello everyone...

Let's meet on Sunday, June 23 at 9:00am at Happy Rock Park (NE 76th Street & N Antioch Road in Gladstone) for our next run.  Plan to meet at a parking lot next to tennis courts on the east half of the park, as shown in the picture.

A great trail can be found at the park, including a one-mile loop contained in the park itself.  We can run as many loops as desired or take another route on the trail, eventually ending up on streets to the west of the park.

Here is an out-and-back route for a total of four miles:

Four Miles from Happy Rock Park

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

1st Annual KCPD PAL 5K

The KCPD's Police Athletic League (PAL) is holding its first PAL 5K on Saturday, June 29 at 10am at the PAL Center (1801 White Avenue).

A $5 donation per runner is recommended but not required. The route will encompass the vicinity of the PAL Center and incorporate obstacles into a hybrid road and trail run.

The top three male and top three female finishers in each of the following categories will be awarded:  12 and under, 13-16, 17-29, 30-39, and 40 and older.

Click here for a registration form.  Simply print the form, fill it out, and bring it on race day.  Registration forms will also be available at check-in.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Never Leave the Playground

Here is a great video I recently came across about Stephen Jepson, a former art professor from the University of Florida.  He is admittedly a bit eccentric, but his message about keeping a youthful, energetic mind and body by "never leaving the playground" is rather contagious...