Saturday, January 19, 2013


Here is a small video that sheds some concise insight about running.  I know I could benefit from the advice.

The video is from Man on a Mission, a documentary about Brother Colm O'Connell, an Irish missionary that has worked with many of Kenya's great runners.


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Group Run Scheduled - January 26

Let's have our first run of the new year back at the Academy on Saturday, January 26 at 10:00am.

Plan to run on the indoor track but we can always run outside if the weather happens to be decent.

See you then!

A New Year / Interesting Article - Make Yawning Part of Your Pre-Race Routine

Hello everyone...

Now that the holidays have passed I wanted to reach out and let you all know the running club is still around and ready to get back on track.  I assumed there may not be much interest in running the last handful of weeks due to the combination of the holiday season and colder weather.

That said, I'll start scheduling group runs again soon, although many may be at the Academy where we could run indoors.  The indoor track is admittedly short, but at least it will be comfortable and it is easy to mix things up with faster interval workouts.

Also, here is a link to an article I came across recently.  Experts seem to think yawning before racing helps increase one's focus and therefore performance.  Seems like an easy thing to try...

As always, feel free to suggest any ideas you have for our club, be it when and where to run, races people may wish to run together, or anything else.