Friday, May 31, 2013

Never Leave the Playground

Here is a great video I recently came across about Stephen Jepson, a former art professor from the University of Florida.  He is admittedly a bit eccentric, but his message about keeping a youthful, energetic mind and body by "never leaving the playground" is rather contagious...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Group Run Scheduled - June 8

Hello everyone...

Let's meet at the downtown airport on June 8 at 8am for our next run.  The loop around the airport is roughly 3.6 miles, so keep that in mind if you need to adjust the length of your run.

On that note, click here to go to the original post about running at the downtown airport.  It includes helpful information such as where to park and a shorter two-mile route.

See you all in a couple weeks!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Interesting Article - Train Your Brain to Run Your Best

Here is an insightful article I just came across on the Runner's World website.  I've been going through some ups-and-downs with my training lately so it has a helpful message for me to follow.  Hopefully it can help some of you, as well!

Train Your Brain to Run Your Best

Keep your eyes open for an announcement for our next group run...

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Alan Watts - The Dream of Life

Here's a quick mindbending, philosophical video for you all to ponder...I thought it may be thought-provoking in a broad sense but also for pursuits such as running.

Group Run Scheduled - May 18

Yes, my friends, the running group is still alive.  I wish I could blame the lack of consistent weather or family life on my lack of scheduling runs for us, but the bottom line is we're all busy, so no excuses.

That said, let's shoot for a run next Saturday, May 18 at 8am at the Swope Park trails.  Hopefully the central location will be of help, not to mention mixing things up a bit with a trail run as opposed to the usual streets and sidewalks.  I myself am an inexperienced trail runner, so I'll be heeding advice to take it easy on trails when compared to streets.

Here is map of where to meet:

Take note of the "A" marker at Oldham Road & Oakwood Road, which is where parking can be found.  We should then have easy access to the trails from there.

This run will be more of a casual outing where everyone can determine how far they wish to run.  I have never ran on these trails so I am unsure if there are mile markers and that sort of thing, so my usual two-, four-, and six-mile routes will not apply to this run.

If you have any questions let me know...I look forward to meeting and running with you all soon!