Sunday, January 5, 2014

Back to the Drawing Board...

Well, I've run into a bit of bad luck lately.  I have re-arranged my plans a bit for my next marathon due to a schedule conflict at work.
I mentioned in a previous post I was preparing for a race in April, the Eisenhower Marathon in Abilene, Kansas.  I was looking forward to the race due to a lot of the reviews I read about it online but it will have to wait for now.
My new race is going to be the Lincoln Marathon scheduled for May 4.  Thankfully my training should not suffer too much since my training plan will be extended a few weeks.
Much like the Eisenhower Marathon the Lincoln race has a favorable course so I am hoping to set another PR, if not get my sub-3:00 finish.
There is also a half-marathon planned for the event so if anyone is interested in participating let me know!

2014 Group Run Calendar

Hello everyone...

As promised, I have completed a calendar for all of our runs for this calendar year.  Click here for a direct link the calendar; you can also download the file, if you like.

In interest of keeping things simple our group runs will take place at one of three places:

  • KCPD Regional Police Academy
  • Charles B. Wheeler Downtown Airport
  • Trolley Track Trail

We will meet at the lower-level entrance on the east side of the building for runs scheduled at the Academy, assuming weather is favorable.  Plan to meet at the indoor track if weather is poor.

As for runs at the other locations, if weather is poor we can default to meeting at the Academy indoor track, as well.

Park in a lot on the southeast corner of W. 74th Street & Wornall Road for any runs scheduled at the Trolley Track Trail.

Although these locations were chosen for simplicity and consistency, please feel free to suggest any other locations for a group run.  We can keep things flexible to ensure as many people as possible enjoy running together.

Finally, I added several local races of interest to the calendar.  The list is far from inclusive so there will be events that I did not include.  I can add other events to the calendar, if desired.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Hello everyone...I hope you all had festive Christmas and New Year's holidays!

As with last year, I decided to let our group go dormant for about a month due to the end of year craziness that tends to happen.  Now that 2014 is already here it's time to pick up where we left off.

With that in mind, I am finally getting around to implementing a suggestion made by one of our group members when it comes to scheduling runs.  Instead of the rather haphazard nature I've used to schedule runs so far, I am in the process of creating a calendar for all our runs this calendar year. 

In addition to the calendar itself, other differences include the runs will now be scheduled more frequently and well in advance, which I hope will make it easier for people to participate in more of our runs.  Runs will still occur in the same pattern as before, namely a run up north, then downtown, and then down south.

One final addition I plan to make to the calendar is listing dates of local races for everyone to reference.  A couple quick examples include the Rock the Parkway Half-marathon and Kansas City Marathon, but I will include events of all distances.

The calendar should be posted here on the blog within a week at most...until then I hope your new year starts off well!